Current Board (2025 – 2026)
- Retain clear understanding of organizational mission/vision
- Keep abreast of the financial health of the organization
- Participate in all board meetings (must attend no fewer than 10 per year)
- Ensure the organization has the resources it needs to operate (funding).
- Activity participate in Development / Fund Raising
- Lead or have an active role in at least 1 committee
- Provide guidance to the Executive director and work collaboratively with other board members.
- Nathaniel Jones — Arup; President (2024-2026)
- Neal Kruis — Big Ladder Software; Vice President (2025-2027)
- Joel Neymark — J. Neymark & Associates; Treasurer (2024-2026)
- Jayati Chhabra — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Secretary (2024-2026)
- Ben Brannon — Arup (2025-2027)
- Kate Bren — Cyclone Energy Group (2025-2027)
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency (2025-2027)
- Matthew Duffy – IES (2024-2026)
- David Goldwasser – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2024-2026)
- Yifan Li — Atelier ten (2025-2027)
- Timothy McDowell — TESS (2024-2026)
- Weijun Allen Mei – Cyclone Energy Group (2025-2027)
- Eddy Santosa – Mott MacDonald (2024-2026)
- Tommy Zakrzewski — HKS (2025-2027)
- Jason Zhou – Student Director (2025-2026)
Past Board of Directors (2024 – 2025)
- Nathaniel Jones – Arup; President (2024-2026)
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software; Vice President (2023-2025)
- Timothy McDowell – TESS; Treasurer (2024-2026)
- Jayati Chhabra – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Secretary (2024-2026)
Board Members:
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus LLC (2023-2025)
- David Goldwasser – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2024-2026)
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency (2023-2025)
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems (2023-2025)
- Eddy Santosa – Mott MacDonald (2024-2026)
- Joel Neymark – J. Neymark & Associates (2024-2026)
- Kyleen Rockwell – Interface Engineering (2023-2025)
- Matthew Duffy – IES (2024-2026)
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2023-2025)
- Weijun Allen Mei – Cyclone Energy Group (2023-2025)
- Jason Zhou – Illinois Institute of Technology, Student Director (2024-2025)
Past Board of Directors (2023-2024)
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus; President (2023-2025)
- Nathaniel Jones – Arup; Secretary (2022-2024)
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software; Treasurer (2023-2025)
- Timothy McDowell – TESS; Vice President (2022-2024)
Board Members:
- Al Mitchell – Illinois Institute of Technology (2023-2024)
- Allen Mei– Cyclone Energy Group (2023-2025)
- Andy Berres – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2023-2024)
- David Goldwasser – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2022-2024)
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency (2023-2025)
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems (2023-2025)
- Eddy Santosa – DBR Engineering Consultants (2022-2024)
- Jayati Chhabra – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2022-2024)
- Kyleen Rockwell – Interface Engineering (2023-2025)
- Matthew Duffy – IES (2022-2024)
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2023-2025)
Past Board of Directors (2022-2023)
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus; President (2021-2023)
- Nathaniel Jones – Arup; Secretary (2022-2024)
- Timothy McDowell – TESS; Vice President (2022-2024)
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software; Treasurer (2021-2023)
Board Members:
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2021-2023)
- Sara Motamedi – Interface Engineering (2022-2024)
- Ruiji “Ricky” Sun – PhD Building Science @ UC Berkeley (2022-2023)
- Anna Brannon – Guidehouse (2021-2023)
- Jayati Chhabra – Cove.tool (2022-2024)
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency (2021-2023)
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems (2021-2023)
- Matthew Duffy – IES (2022-2024)
- David Goldwasser – National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2022-2024)
- Kyleen Rockwell – HKS (2021-2023)
- Eddy Santosa – DBR Engineering Consultants (2022-2024)
Past Board of Directors (2021-2022)
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems; President
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus; Vice President
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Secretary
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software; Treasurer
Board Members:
- Anna Brannon – Atelier Ten
- David Goldwasser – National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Matthew Duffy – IES
- Eddy Santosa – DBR Engineering Consultants
- Panos Bakos – Arup
- Erik Kolderup – Kolderup Consulting
- Nathaniel Jones – Arup
- Rahul Athalye – NORESCO
- Timothy McDowell – TESS
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency
Past Board of Directors (2020-2021)
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems; President
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus; Vice President
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Secretary
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software; Treasurer
Board Members:
- Anna Brannon – Atelier Ten
- Dimitri Contoyannis – Model Efficiency
- Chip Barnaby – Software Development Consultant, President of IBPSA-World
- Dan Macumber
- Liam Buckley – IES
- Erik Kolderup – Kolderup Consulting
- David Eldridge – Grumman/Butkus Associates
- Ralph Muehleisen – Argonne National Laboratory
- Martha Brook – California Energy Commission
- Timothy McDowell – TESS
Past Board of Directors (2019-2020)
- Erik Kolderup – Kolderup Consulting; President
- Dru Crawley – Bentley Systems, Inc.; Vice-President
- David Eldridge – Grumman/Butkus Associates; Treasurer
- Carrie Brown – Resource Refocus LLC; Secretary
Board Members:
- Dimitri Contoyannis – NORESCO
- Chip Barnaby – Software Development Consultant, President of IBPSA-World
- Liam Buckley – IES
- Ralph Muehleisen – Argonne National Laboratory
- Martha Brook – California Energy Commission
- Joe Huang – White Box Technologies
- Neal Kruis – Big Ladder Software
- Krishnan Gowri – Autodesk
- Matt Biesterveld – Trane
- Supriya Goel – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Past Board of Directors (2016-2018)
The past Board was elected on January 26, 2015. Officers and Board members of IBPSA-USA are governed by our Conflict of Interest Policy.
Joseph Deringer – President
Erik Kolderup – Vice President
Drury Crawley – Treasurer
Chris Balbach – Secretary
Comments from Chris on his time on the Board: “As I reflect on the close of my recent term of service with the IBPSA-USA Board of Directors, my thoughts turn towards acknowledging the state of our community, where we been, and where we might go over the next few years. Only a few short years ago, I felt moved to join the IBPSA-USA board of directors because I firmly felt that “Building Energy Modeling” tools represented the Best Available Technology for identifying cost-effective improvements to our built environment. I still hold this position. I also felt that one core issue our small but growing community faced was an issue of fragmentation – with many small and separate groups working in somewhat disjointed and uncoordinated fashions. Since then, I have come to recognize the role of IBPSA-USA as the cognizant organization for uniting our community, both in amplifying and repeating our shared goals of our community. An example of this was the approach used by IBPSA-USA to aggregate comments for inclusion in the DOE Building Energy Modeling Roadmap.
My advice new incoming IBPSA-USA leadership would be to concentrate on strengthening the bonds that tie our diverse community together, while also looking carefully for creative ways to grow our community by involving new membership and sustainable revenue sources. Given today’s rapid rate of technological advancement (machine learning, high performance computing, etc.), this will likely involve embracing new ideas, paradigms and ways of working that explore the complex relationships between machines and the humans that use them.”
Board Members:
Chip Barnaby – Wrightsoft Corporation
David Eldridge – Grumman/Butkus Associates
Annie Marston – Baumann Consulting
Elizabeth Gilmor – Energetics Consulting Engineers, LLC
Joe Huang – Whitebox Technologies
Pallavi Mantha – Arup
Shanta Tucker – Atelier Ten
Sherry Hu – Pacific Gas & Electric
Tianzhen Hong – Lawrence Berkeley Labs
Comments from Tianzhen on his time on the Board: “As a former member of the IBPSA-USA board, I witnessed tremendous, exciting and growing research and education activites conducted in the building performance simulation community in the United States. With growing demand or regulation on low- and zero-net energy buildings, building simulation becomes a crucial and powerful tool that enables evaluation of energy efficient strategies in the building life cycle to reduce energy use and GHG emissions, combining the traditional technological solutions as well as the human dimensions (social and behavioral science). The future of IBPSA cannot be better consider emerging opportunities in AI, IoT, big data, and large scale (district or city) complex problems.”
IBPSA-USA Board of Directors Job Description
Role of Directors on the IBPSA-USA Board
The Board of Directors governs and holds fiduciary responsibility for IBPSA-USA. The primary means of governance are:
- Understanding the mission and history of the organization.
- Setting policy and providing direction for the organization by establishing a multi-year strategic plan, approval of the annual budget and monitoring financial performance.
- Hiring and overseeing the Executive Director.
Director’s Obligations
Directors serve a two-year term, renewable if reelected. Board Member responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Supporting the financial sustainability of IBPSA-USA
- Contributing and/or garnering a minimum of $1000.00 in funding.
- Soliciting personal and professional contacts for financial support.
Performance, Event and Marketing Support
- Attending, planning and participating in key events and activities such as board meetings, semi-annual meetings and sponsored conferences.
- Representing and promoting the organization in his/her own community and to the community at large.
Meeting Attendance and Participation
- Attending a minimum of 10 Board meetings a year. Board meetings are held during regular business hours on the third Wednesday of each month.
- Maintaining and expanding the organization’s current network of relationships.
- Serving on a minimum of one Board committee and actively participating in the planning and execution of a minimum of one project a year.
What’s in it for you?
Our highest aspiration is to attract Board members who are both committed to increasing the use and visibility of energy simulation and to the innovative work of IBPSA-USA.
If you join us, you will:
- be inspired by the community and culture built around the IBPSA-USA.
- make new connections and friends with other board members, staff, and the extended IBPSA-USA family.
- gain valuable board member experience