Every two years, IBPSA-USA recognizes leaders in our field with awards presented at the SimBuild conference.
- Distinguished Achievement Award. This award recognizes an individual who has a distinguished record of contributions to the field of building performance simulation, over a long period.
- Outstanding Practice Award. This award recognizes an individual, group or firm who has made significant contributions to the effective application and/or advancement of building simulation in practice.
- Emerging Contributor Award. This award recognizes an individual at the beginning of their career who has demonstrated potential for significant contributions to the field of building simulation.
- Outstanding Service Award. This award recognizes one or more individuals, groups or firms who have provided outstanding leadership in the promotion of building simulation through research, education or practice.
- Outstanding Researcher Award. This award recognizes one or more individuals who have provided outstanding leadership in the promotion of building simulation through research in the course of their careers.
- Outstanding Chapter Award. This award recognizes one or more IBPSA-USA Chapters that have provided outstanding leadership in the promotion of building simulation through chapter activities and have been key in promoting and fostering the vision and mission of IBPSA-USA.
See detailed Awards Definitions here
IBPSA-USA Award Recipients:
2024 (at SimBuild 2024 in Denver, CO):
- Distinguished Achievement in Building Simulation
- Outstanding Practice
- Emerging Contributor
- Outstanding Service
- Outstanding Researcher
- Outstanding Chapter
- IBPSA-USA Chicago Chapter
2022 (at the 2022 Building Performance Analysis Simbuild Conference in Austin, TX):
- Distinguished Achievement in Building Simulation
- Outstanding Practice
- Emerging Contributor
- Outstanding Service
- Outstanding Researcher
- Outstanding Chapter
2020 (at the 2020 Building Performance Analysis Simbuild Virtual Conference):
- Distinguished Achievement in Building Simulation
- Outstanding Practice
- Emerging Contributor
- Outstanding Service
2018 (at SimBuild 2018 in Chicago, IL):
- Distinguished Achievement in Building Simulation
- Charles (Chip) S. Barnaby
- Bruce Wilcox
- Outstanding Practitioner
- Outstanding Practice
- Emerging Contributor
- Outstanding Service
2016 (at Simbuild 2016, Salt Lake City):
- Achievement: Christoph Reinhart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Service: Jason Glazer, GARD Analytics
- Practitioner: Shanta Tucker, Atelier Ten
- Emerging Professional: Wangda Zuo, University of Colorado Boulder
2014 (at Simbuild2014, Atlanta):
- Achievement: Doug Hittle, Colorado State University
- Young Contributor: Holly Samuelson, Harvard Graduate School of Design
2012 (at Simbuild2012, Madison):
- Achievement: Greg Ward, Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
- Achievement: Jeffrey Spitler, Oklahoma State University
- Practitioner: Steve Taylor, Taylor Engineering, LLC
2010 (at SimBuild2010, NYC):
- Achievement: Sandy Klein, University of Wisconsin
- Practitioner: Charles Eley, Architectural Energy Corporation
2008 (at SimBuild2008, Berkeley):
- Achievement: Godfried Augenbroe, Georgia Tech
- Achievement: Joe Huang, LBNL
- Practitioner: Joe Deringer, SuPerB
2006 (at SimBuild2006, Boston):
- Achievement: Larry Degelman, Texas A&M University
2004 (at SimBuild2004, Boulder):
- Achievement: Fred Winkelmann, LBNL
- Practitioner: Dan Nall, Flack + Kurtz
– See more at: https://ibpsa.us/past-ibpsa-usa-award-recipients#sthash.lJUomBe4.dpuf
IBPSA-USA Members who are IBPSA-World Fellows:
The following IBPSA-USA members have achieved membership grade of Fellow in IBPSA-World. These members have attained distinction in the field of building performance simulation (or in the allied arts or sciences), by either the teaching of major courses in said arts and sciences, or by way of research, simulation code development, original work, or the application of building simulation on projects of a significant scope. The individual must have been active in the field for at least ten years.
For the full list of IBSPA-World fellows, please see http://www.ibpsa.org/?page_id=310.
- Peter Simmonds
- Tianzhen Hong
- Zulfi Cumali
- Godfried Augenbroe
- Daniel Fisher
- Drury Crawley
- Jeff Haberl
- Jeffrey Spitler
- James Braun
- Larry Degelman
- Michael Wetter
- Sanford (Sandy) Klein
- Philip Haves
- Curt Pedersen
- Edward Sowell
- George Walton