Home Events Updates in ASHRAE Standard 209-2024 Building Performance Simulation Process

Updates in ASHRAE Standard 209-2024 Building Performance Simulation Process

Join this webinar to learn about new content in ASHRAE Standard 209-2024, Building Performance Simulation Process, from members of the committee who authored the updates. The presenters will describe refinements to the modeling cycle requirements and highlight new informative content on future climate analysis, predictive energy modeling, and level of detail for modeling inputs.

Christina LaPerle

Christina LaPerle

Christina is a licensed professional engineer in New York with over a decade of relevant experience in energy engineering performing energy audits, energy modeling, and RCx for both existing buildings and new construction. Christina has developed energy modeling tools to enhance workflow efficiency and regularly leads energy modeling for design support, minimum code compliance and for participation in above code programs. She also performs energy modeling based technical reviews for incentive and above code program submissions. She regularly leads the development of code and above code program compliance related policies, simulation guidelines and tools. Christina has implemented reporting templates, including the DOE/PNNL Compliance Form and the EPA MFNC ASHRAE Path Calculator, and has expert knowledge of eQuest. As an active professional in her field, Christina is a voting member of the ASHRAE Standard 209 committee and member of the LEED Energy and Atmospheric Technical Advisory Group. She recently co-contributed to the development of the ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional study guide. Additionally, she consults on the ASHRAE 90.1 ECB committee and serves as a producer for the ASHRAE Standard 229p committee.

Patrick Pease

Patrick is an associate principal at Buro Happold on the Advisory team and the US Building Performance Leader. An innovator in design and simulation process, Patrick uses technology to deliver high quality results and drive collaboration on projects. His past projects include both high performance design for complex projects – such as the Living Building Challenge Climate Exchange campus – and innovative solutions to building performance simulation. As a mechanical engineer and energy modeler for over a decade, Patrick has worked across the US and EU on an array of hospitality, commercial, higher education, laboratory, and healthcare building and campus developments. His passion for innovation and quality has included the creation of a wholly new energy modelling platform and publishing 5 papers at industry conferences. As an active member of ASHRAE and IBPSA, Patrick sits on the 90.1 ECB sub-committee, and is a voting member of ASHRAE SSPC 209 and the IBPSA Certification Committee.

Chris Schaffner

Chris Schaffner, PE, LEED Fellow, WELL AP, WELL Faculty is the founder and CEO of The Green Engineer, Inc. Chris has 35 years of experience in the design of building systems, with a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T., and is a registered professional engineer in Massachusetts, California and Vermont. A long time promoter of sustainable design, Chris was a charter member of the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED Faculty, and trained more than 10,000 building industry professionals in using the LEED Rating System. He previously served on the LEED Steering Committee, as the 2019 LSC Chair. In addition, Chris also served on the USGBC Board of Directors, the USGBC Advisory Council, as Chair of the Energy and Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and LEED Advisory Committee, and as a member of the Indoor Environmental Quality TAG, among other volunteer roles with the USGBC. Chris is a part-time Lecturer at Northeastern University's Sustainable Building Systems program. He previously taught at Boston Architectural College and has also lectured at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, MIT, Brandeis, Duke, WPI, and Wentworth. Chris is a member of ASHRAE, which certified him as a High-Performance Building Design Professional, a Certified Decarbonization Planner, and a Building Energy Modeling Professional. He is also a member of IBPSA and the Society of Building Science Educators. He holds the LEED AP designation with BD+C, ID+C, and EB+OM specialties. In addition, Chris is a WELL AP, a member of the WELL Faculty, and serves on the WELL Air Advisory. Over the past 35 years, Chris has been involved in many projects incorporating energy efficiency and sustainability. These projects have been across many building types, from high-rise office buildings to small-scale multi-family residential. His projects have included energy-intensive building types such as research laboratories and hospitals. His portfolio includes more than 220 projects that have achieved LEED Certification.

Dru Crawley

Dr. Crawley is Bentley Fellow and Director, Building Performance, a thought leader focusing on building decarbonization, digital twins, climate change, and sustainability. Before joining Bentley in 2010, Dr. Crawley developed, launched, and managed USDOE’s Commercial Building Initiative (zero-energy commercial buildings (now Better Buildings)). He also managed DOE’s building energy software research and development including EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, Energy-10, and DOE-2.


Apr 20 2025


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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