IESVE 2022
IES, Ltd. , a long-time sponsor and supporter of IBPSA-USA announces its latest version of IESVE. The new version: IESVE 2022 includes a range of exciting new features and they are highlighted below. Interested parties can also get a demo here: Register for VE-2022 Web-Demo
IESVE 2022, a 64-bit version
- Improves the user experience for larger or more detailed models by gaining access to larger addressable memory space, allowing for detailed parameters to be processed across IESVE Applications.
- Significant improvements will be most noticeable within the MicroFlo-CFD Application, with meshes approx. 10x larger than VE-2021; up to ~32 million grid cells
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019 Navigator The ASHRAE 90.1 Navigator is updated to version 90.1-2019. Enhancements for the latest version include:

Water-Energy Nexus
New water consumption variables for HVAC equipment that use water.
- Makeup Water for Steam Humidifier and Spray Chamber (evaporative cooling).
- Cooling Coils Condensate Water
- Cooling tower makeup water from Evaporation losses, Drift losses and Blowdown loss accounting for varying Cycles of Concentration.
VRF Integration (New Partner: Mitsubishi)
We are pleased to announce a new manufacturer integration partnership with Mitsubishi. In IESVE 2022 we are now including VRF performance data from Mitsubishi within ApacheHVAC’s VRF Performance Curve Set. The integration brings in a range of Mitsubishi Electric’s Air Source VRF R410a units, which are both high-efficiency Heat Pumps and incorporate heat recovery.

Lighting Integration (New Partner: ROBUS)
A New Lighting Fixtures Database from ROBUS includes 736 Lighting Fixtures, from 12 unique Categories and 100% LED Technology.
- Categories include from Commercial, Industrial, Downlights, Emergency, Circadian, Outdoor, etc.
- For luminance/illuminance simulation in RadianceIES
- For LPD (Watts/m2), room illuminances and lumens/Watt calculations in FlucsPro.
ROBUS lighting fixtures are provided to over 3,000 stockists in over 40 countries.
- The IESVE Python API has been significantly enhanced and new libraries have been added.
- Daylight: New automated Area of Interest (AOI) options to better account for Useful daylight in RadianceIES.
- Solar: Analysis Visualization Enhancement with filters and by Room Groups in SunCast.