Certification Committee Publishes National BEM Certification Scoping Study
This report investigates the feasibility of forming a national certifying body that will establish and oversee the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) framework for code and beyond-code programs that use building energy modeling. The primary goal of such a certifying body would be to help improve consistency, market acceptance and penetration of compliance modeling.
The research involved surveying 5 jurisdictions and 15 beyond-code programs to understand their project volume, modeling requirements, building energy modeling (BEM) tools acceptance practices, modeler and reviewer qualification requirements and quality control and quality assurance process. In addition, three national certification programs were reviewed including ASHRAE BEMP for energy modelers, IRS Section 179D for simulation tools, and Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET Ā®) Home Energy Rating System (HERS) for simulation tools, modelers, reviewers, training providers and projects.
The report discussed lessons learned from past certification efforts, and identifies opportunities to follow RESNET’s successful approaches in the residential sector and apply them to the commercial sector. The report also presents a roadmap for establishing market-based BEM software, modeler and reviewer certifications for commercial and multifamily buildings.
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the USA chapter of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA-USA). The report was developed by Karpman Consulting with support from the IBPSA-USA Certification Committee.