Built environment researchers and analysts love case studies — focusing on one building at a time is generally how much of the consulting-focused industry works. However, generalizability has the been a key focus of analysis and optimization across many other domains including marketing, online retail, cars, and consumer devices. This talk will give Dr. Miller’s perspective on how we can learn from these fields in understanding the concepts of scalability and generalizability of analysis across large numbers of buildings. Dr. Miller will discuss examples of these concepts such as the Great Energy Predictor III Kaggle Competition and the Cozie smartwatch human-building data collection platform. He will also cover the need for built environment professionals to improve their data literacy through coding skills.
Presented by: IBPSA-USA’s Research Committee featuring Dr. Clayton Miller (National University of Singapore).
Date: Jan 26, 2023
Dr. Clayton Miller
Dr. Clayton Miller is an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the Department of the Built Environment. He is the creator of the NUS MOOC EDx Course - Data Science for Construction, Architecture, and Engineering (https://www.edx.org/course/Data-Science-for-Construction-Architecture-and-Engineering) that has had 30,000+ participants worldwide since April 2020. Dr. Miller is the Co-Leader of Theme D - Data Analytics at the UC Berkeley SinBerBEST2 Lab and the Co-Leader of Subtask 4 of the IEA Annex 79 Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation (https://annex79.iea-ebc.org/). Dr. Miller's research focuses on performance data analytics using thousands of real-world case study buildings collected from facilities around the world.